Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween

One gigantic belly

38 weeks! We survived the first big snowstorm of the year with no early arrival of Baby Reid. Two feet of snow, big changes in temperature-I would want to stay where it is nice and warm too! The past month has been wonderful. My baby shower on October 17 was so much fun! Thanks to everyone who had a hand in it-hosting, attending, sending gifts. As I've said before, Baby Reid is already so loved!

And the snow wasn't finished at this point!

Health-wise everything continues to be normal. The baby is head down and according to my last visit to the doctor, the baby is engaged (I didn't even know it was dating-ha!) so it could be any time now. Congratulations to our friends Alissa and Tai on the arrival of their adorable baby girl Elliott who came two weeks early. I wouldn't mind if ours came a little early since I'm starting to really get uncomfortable, but two weeks would mean this weekend so I don't mind if he/she holds out a bit longer.

Everything is ready to go-the nursery is finished, the bags are packed, the car seat installed. Here are some pictures of the baby furniture before and after. Brian was pretty proud of his handiwork-rightfully so. We are so anxious to meet our baby and to introduce him/her to all of you! Just waiting for baby!

2021 in Review (the WHOLE year)

Margot twinning with her friend, Gemma Grandpa Marvin's birthday in CO Lucy's first cheer competition ever Monopoly game night At Mo...