Saturday, June 19, 2010

One Crazy Month

If you read this blog, you're probably related to us somehow and already know all the details of the last 3 weeks or so. Feel free to just look at the pictures and say "ah, how cute" and be on your merry way. Otherwise, I feel a duty to relay all the craziness that has been Lucy's 7th month of life. It all started so great with a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Ellsmore.

I was done with school for the year and Brian had yet to start his new job so we took the opportunity to do fun things like take Lucy to her first Rockies game. It was really exciting because there were back to back to back Rockies' home runs. Lucy and I didn't actually get to see that happen because we were in the family restroom but we heard the screams.

Eden and Grandpa feeding the fish

Lucy and Grandma

The first two weeks of solid food went well. She got over her initial hatred of cereal once we began adding vegetables. Then she seemed to like everything until we tried pears. She hated them and didn't want to eat her usual amount. The next morning I got her up and found out she had thrown up sometime during the night. The next day we had several instances of projectile vomit including an unfortunate incident at lunch with Kendra and G-Ma Nanc. I called the doctor and the nurse thought that as long as she didn't get sick the night before our trip home to go for it. She did great on the plane but was still acting sick once we were at Alissa and Tai's house. Then I got VERY sick with the stomach flu and thank goodness for Alissa (I love you, girl! I know you are one of the few who read this!) because she took care of Lucy all the next day when I couldn't. It was not how I had planned to spend my vacation and missed out on seeing my friend Carmen who lives in Chicago which was a big disappointment. But, luckily no one in the Ward house got sick!

We left Chicago on June 4th and drove to Iowa. We spent a great night with Amber and Eden and Grandma and Grandpa Marvin. But, then Grandpa Marvin got his turn with the stomach flu. Lucy was still throwing up about once a day at that point, too. We were all one big pukey mess!

Lucy and Elliott

After a trip back to Fairfield on Tuesday, June 8 Alissa and I spent the night with Grandma and Grandpa Ellsmore in Iowa City. Lucy slept well that night but the flight back to Denver wasn't something I'd like to repeat anytime soon. Lucy was fussy and didn't want much to do with sitting in her seat.

After getting home and and having another big round of throwing up I decided we'd had enough and I took her to the urgent care Thursday night. The doctors ran blood tests, urine tests and took an x-ray of her stomach. She had lost weight and had a fever. I found out on Friday that she has a urine infection which evidently is the cause of all the vomiting. She started antibiotics that day and today is day 9 of taking her medicine. She had another bad morning on Monday so I took her back to the doctor. I guess bladder infections aren't super common in infants so Lucy gets to look forward to having an ultrasound of her kidneys and some other tests we have schdeduled in July. To put the cherry on top, I was sick all weekend and finally went to the doctor on Monday to find out that I had strep throat. We are quite a pair.

Lucy is doing much better although she's still fussier than normal and isn't sleeping through the night anymore. She hasn't had solids since she began getting sick almost three weeks ago per doctor's suggestion but tonight we will try it again. This time we'll stick with trusty sweet potatoes.

2021 in Review (the WHOLE year)

Margot twinning with her friend, Gemma Grandpa Marvin's birthday in CO Lucy's first cheer competition ever Monopoly game night At Mo...