Monday, June 20, 2011

The Wild Life of Lucy Reid

Happy Father's Day!

After sprinkler time at the park

Lucy and Grandma

Lucy investigating a gorilla

The Ellsmores/Reids at the zoo

Just outside "Paris"


Grandpa catching Lucy from the slide

bath fun

Lucy "gardening"

Since I last blogged we have been so super busy! School ended on May 23rd for me and we didn't hesitate to get right down to the business of summer. Grandma and Grandpa Marvin came out for a nice long visit the week before Memorial Day. Grandpa painted practically our entire basement (thank you Dad!) and it looks great. Grandma enjoyed reading the same books over and over again to Lucy.

Then on June 8th Grandma and Grandpa Ellsmore came out for a visit and stayed with Lucy while we went to Las Vegas. It was a work related thing for me but Brian tagged along for a couple of days and we had a great time. Brian hadn't been to Vegas since he was 21 and there were a few things that have changed since then. Lucy did great with Grandma and Grandpa. It didn't take them long to figure out everything she was saying and I know she adored getting spoiled without Mom and Dad around. Thank you, thank you, thank you Ellsmores for making a mini-vacation possible for us!

Lucy loves going to the zoo and you can see from the video she really likes the elephants (and hippos, and giraffes, and lions, and monkeys, etc.) Her favorite word right now is "where?" which you can probably hear in the other video. She even asks where things are when she obviously knows where they are. It's cute but it was even cuter when she would answer "I don't know" for everything. We had her 18 month doctor's appointment and Lucy weighs close to 22 pounds and I think she's close to 23 inches. She finally decided she likes another fruit besides bananas and now she can't get enough strawberries!

She started her first gymnastics class and loves running around and playing on all the fun things. She doesn't, however, enjoy the parachute games. She screams her head off and runs away whenever we try and put her on the parachute for the fun games.

We are super excited for our visit to Kansas City in July and I'm sure we'll have many more fun things to post after that. Happy summer!

2021 in Review (the WHOLE year)

Margot twinning with her friend, Gemma Grandpa Marvin's birthday in CO Lucy's first cheer competition ever Monopoly game night At Mo...