Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Lucy's 3rd birthday party
The Car Wash
 My Gym
 Swinging Indoors
 The Partiers
 Silly Faces
 Lucy's Monkey Cake (courtesy of Mama)
 The Zip Line
 Snow White Dress
 My Special 3rd birthday dinner-Daddy's homemade Mac and Cheese and Broccoli
 All the gifts
 At Disney on Ice-Cinderella's coach made out of Legos
 Bathtime with cousins
Brian's Bingo Win-Prospector Moustache
 Eden, Uncle Matt, Lucy
 Ahhh. . .
 The Girls
 Santa brought Lucy a ballerina bear purse
 Sledding with Daddy
 Lucy loved it!

 Lucy's favorite thing to do at Gma and Gpa's house-play the piano (seen here with Grandpa)
 Opening presents

Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!  Here are pictures from Lucy's 3rd birthday party (a GIANT success) at My Gym.  We had so much fun and Lucy liked being the center of attention-sometimes. 

We've had fun so far on our trip to Iowa.  We spent 2 1/2 days in Chariton before heading to Iowa City.  Lucy was expecting to see Santa in person on Christmas morning, but was happy he ate his cookies and drank his milk.  So much fun and love and still 2 more Christmases to go!  

Our Christmas wish came true this year-a potty trained little girl!  

Monday, November 5, 2012

Fall is our favorite time of year!

 Go Hawks!

Quick snuggle while out to dinner

 So exciting!

My trip to NYC to visit my friends I met in France, the gang out to dinner at a French restaurant
At the pumpkin patch

Lucy and Eden got their haircut together

Game night-Chutes and Ladders

Lucy's Halloween costume (she's a kitty cat)

Trick-or-treating at Aspen Grove

Pumpkin Carving with Mama

And the final product, Lucy was so proud

The belly, and the new haircut

Before trick-or-treating on Halloween night

At Build-a-Bear for her friend Brooklyn's birthday party

This was on Facebook but too cute not to repost

It's hard to believe that Lucy will be 3 in only a week and a half!  We are so proud of our little girl.  She's getting to have such a personality (not that she hasn't all along).  Some highlights since our last post:
  • Lucy started daycare at Kathy's and had a rough 2 1/2 weeks to start, now she's loving every minute of it.  She even has Toddler Boot camp once a week with a personal trainer who comes to Kathy's house.  She comes home with an art project every day almost and talks nonstop about her friends there.
  • Grandma and Grandpa Marvin and Aunt Amber and Cousin Eden drove out to visit in October.  We got the girls' hair cut and Grandpa painted Lucy's big girl room pink
  • We found out that we're having another GIRL in March.  We knew all along this one was going to be Lucy's sister.  She's super healthy and is already kicking up a storm.  Now if only we could pick a name . . . . 
  • Lucy was a kitty cat for Halloween.  We went trick-or-treating at the outdoor mall and then again on Halloween night.  Lucy loved ringing the doorbells more than the actual candy (thankfully!)
Look for 3rd birthday pictures, coming soon!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Summer 2012

Lucy "reading" in her big girl bed

Climbing like a monkey at the park
 Lucy and Sherry at Sherry's going away party
First "pedicure" with Aunt Amber

Waiting for the Chariton parade to start
Aunt Amber and Lucy at the parade
Eden and Lucy at the Botanical Center


Just two princesses
Cousin love at the Chariton pool
Marvin/Hjortshoj/Reids at the Science Center in Des Moines

Lucy and Eden were TV stars on the Channel 13 Weather update (they're the cuties on the left)

My beautiful sister and niece

Elliott, Lucy and Delaney at the Ward's house in Fairfield

At our second small town parade of the trip, Batavia days

The Ward girls

Nothin' says Iowa like . . .

Reunited and it feels so good

All of these pictures (except for the first 3) are from our 2 1/2 week trip to Iowa this July. Some highlights included trips the the Chariton pool, the 4th of July parade, our visit to the Science Center all together and our trip to see the Wards in Fairfield.  We had a great time.

I start back to work next week (the 14th) so Lucy will start up at Kathy's during the days.  I will sure miss our time together all day! 

2021 in Review (the WHOLE year)

Margot twinning with her friend, Gemma Grandpa Marvin's birthday in CO Lucy's first cheer competition ever Monopoly game night At Mo...