Thursday, March 1, 2012

It only took me 4 months . . .

Go Hawks!

I'm pretty sure the lollipop was the highlight of her Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day

Climbing into things is something we do . . a lot

First haircut!!

Lucy's first ever ponytail

At the natural history museum, Lucy's new favorite hangout

In the woods

Christmas silliness

Lucy with Abigail, her talking bunny

The whole Reid, Smith, Suarez, Ellsmore clan (well almost)

Grandma Ellsmore and Lucy decorating Christmas cookies

Lucy and her bestie, Elliott watching TV

Lucy and Andy at Papa Reid's

Amber, Matt and Eden Hjortshoj after Eden's Oscar worthy performance as an angel in her preschool Christmas play


The best gift ever

Lucy with Santa at Sherry's Christmas party

My Gym

The evening of the Littleton Christmas parade


birthday trip to the zoo

The birthday girl

The birthday cupcakes

A LOT has happened since I blogged in October, too much to write about. These pictures pretty much sum it up, with the most recent first and the oldest last (oldest being Lucy's 2nd birthday). In between we had Christmas, her first haircut, Valentine's Day and lots of fun. Enjoy!

2021 in Review (the WHOLE year)

Margot twinning with her friend, Gemma Grandpa Marvin's birthday in CO Lucy's first cheer competition ever Monopoly game night At Mo...