Sunday, March 10, 2013

Welcome baby Margot!

The Reids
Daddy's girl 
Lucy was soooooooo excited to meet her baby sister!

Sisters are the best

Blue eyes, black hair
Proud daddy

First bath, close up of her scratch

2 ounces heavier than Lucy

Minutes old

The night before

She's here!  Margot's stats: 
Born at 12:20 pm
Weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces
Length 19 3/4 inches
Blue eyes
Black hair (why?) 

How she got here:
     We had a planned induction for Saturday and had to be at the hospital at 5:30 am.  Luckily, my friend Andrea came Friday night to watch Lucy and stayed with her until Sunday morning.  More on that later.
Saturday we got to the hospital right on time.  There was supposed to be a big snow storm yesterday but it turned out to be not much of anything.
     The doctor started me on Pitocin at 6:00.  I had just a few bad contractions before the nurse ordered my epidural (thankfully) and coming super early must have paid off because he was in my room in about 15 minutes.  After that my labor progressed REALLY quickly.  In fact, I saw the anesthesiologist two more times because I was still in pain even after the epidural.  We found out why pretty quickly.   I came in at 3 1/2 centimeters and my doctor checked me again at noon and I was at 10.  I was very thankful to have my actual OB deliver her.  She stopped by at noon to check on us before she headed off to a surgery thinking she'd deliver the baby once her surgery was done.  She checked me and said, "well, I don't think we can wait until surgery's done, let's have a baby."
     I only pushed for 20 minutes before we got to meet our sweet baby girl!  The first thing we noticed was how much hair she had (so much!) and that it was black, although we needed the bath just to confirm.  I got to hold her skin to skin for an hour before she was weighed or measured or got her eye drops.  She is absolutely perfect.  Her cord was wrapped loosely around her neck which is evidently very common and she someone managed to scratch herself coming out.  Brian has taken to calling her "scarface" if you can imagine it as an endearing nickname.
     She's definitely a daytime sleeper and up all night as to be expected from a newborn.  She looks EXACTLY like Lucy in the face, the only difference being the hair.  She even weighed almost exactly the same as Lucy.  We love her so much already and can't wait for you all to meet her!

2021 in Review (the WHOLE year)

Margot twinning with her friend, Gemma Grandpa Marvin's birthday in CO Lucy's first cheer competition ever Monopoly game night At Mo...