Thursday, June 20, 2013

Summer Fun!

My beautiful sister and niece
Margot's first trip to the zoo
Lil' blue eyes
Monkey Bizness
3 months!!!
Lucy's "fancy" dress from Gma and Gpa Ellsmore
Out of order-the girls at the zoo
Dinner on the deck in our pajamas
At the park
Our new haircuts and fro yo!
Our new friends we made at Build a Bear

So much happened in June so far I decided I should update the blog toute suite!  The first week in June Amber and Eden visited from Iowa.  The week was full of fun activities! The zoo, the park, Build-a-Bear, haircuts, Monkey Bizness (a fun indoor place for the kids to play) and lots and lots of fun cousin time!

Sorry the pictures are out of sequence.  Enjoy!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

3 Months!

Our Little Pumpkin
Margot modeling her beautiful blanket made by Mama's friend Jackie
Mother's Day
Mother's Day
3 Generations on Mother's Day
I think the onesie explains this one

Cathy, Go and Aidan.  Aidan doesn't look too sure about that baby.
The Reid Boys at the Museum of Nature and Science
Grandma Ellsmore
My favorite Easter basket gift
I think Cooper is eyeing that egg thinking "hmmm, I could totally destroy that"
Lucy fell down on the way home from the park and scratched up her face, she didn't seem to mind though
Grandpa Marvin
Lucy was so proud of her snowman!
Grandma Marvin
The last 3 months have been a whirlwind!  We've had Grandma and Grandpa Marvin come visit (and Gma Marvin even came twice) and Grandma and Grandpa Ellsmore came in April.  Then the Missouri Reid clan visited in May and currently Aunt Amber and Cousin Eden are here visiting but I don't have pictures of that visit just yet.

Margot, as you all know, has had some trouble gaining weight.  At her appointment this past Wednesday she weighed 9 pounds, 11 ounces which is up from last month but she's still not on the chart yet (we call her zero for fun).  Her doctor is confident that another month of good eating will put her on the chart for her 4 month visit.  She is such a little doll, we just can't get enough of her!

Summer has started and Lucy and Margot and I are figuring out how to keep ourselves busy!  Poor little Margot spends more time than I'd like in her car seat/stroller but running Lucy around keeps us on the move.  Go is too little for me to wear her just yet but once that's a possibility she will no doubt spend lots of time strapped to my chest.  She can smile and coo and has laughed a few times. She's going to be a thumb sucker, just like her Mama was!

Lucy had her last (forever!) day at Kathy's and we've already met the girls' day care provider for next year.  Her name is Diana but everyone calls her Nana.  She was very sweet and the girls are going to LOVE her.  She'll have Margot 5 days a week when I go back to work and Lucy just on Mondays.  Lucy will go to preschool the other 4 days at Hopkins.  We toured Hopkins one day and Lucy was sooooooooo excited about her new school.

Meanwhile, we have lots of summer fun ahead of us!

2021 in Review (the WHOLE year)

Margot twinning with her friend, Gemma Grandpa Marvin's birthday in CO Lucy's first cheer competition ever Monopoly game night At Mo...