Saturday, January 14, 2017

Hellooooooo 2017!

Back to school shopping Girls' Day Lunch

Watching the Western Welcome Week Fireworks

1st Grade!

Mommy's not her teacher this year

Western Welcome Week Parade

Western Welcome Week

I'm a Grasshopper at Holy Trinity Preschool!


Modeling our new clothes from Grandma and Grandpa Ellsmore-"I Love Preschool" and "1st Grade Rocks!"

Grandma and Grandpa Ellsmore

These pictures are from the Reids' visit this summer at the Swept Away exhibit at the zoo

Can you believe that's all trash found on the beach?


Lucy and Andrew

There was also the cutest fairy exhibit

Garden of the Gods

With Cathy at the Garden of the Gods

Balance Rock-notice the one finger a la Atlas poses!

Check out Lucy's Dragon Dash photo finish

2nd Place 1st Grade Girl

September bike ride

Pumpkin patch-so hot that day!

No good pumpkins left. :(

So we went to Margot's school to buy them!

The picture I posted on FB.  4 years apart.

Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas and a rainbow caterpillar Trick or Treating Downtown Littleton

Margot hates the goo

Posing with our pumpkins

Lucy's friends Destinee and Sofie

Adel and Elle

Trick or Treating with our friend group.  Look how colorful our kids are in comparison!

Lucy's Veteran's Day performance (see videos below).

celebrating at school

What a pretty girl!

Troll Journal from Grandma and Grandpa Ellsmore

Face Paint kit from The Reids

Fuse Beads from Mommy and Daddy

Under the Sea themed cupcakes

Margot had fun with Daddy in the baby pool part while Lucy was with her friends in the big kid pools

Happy 7th Birthday Lucy!

Thanksgiving Feast at school

Seeing Trolls with our friends Avery and Lilly over Thanksgiving Break

Lucy started Snowboarding!

Thanksgiving Day in Evergreen

Cooper is getting old . . . he didn't even protest the Santa outfit

She finally lost that front tooth!  

Check it out! The tooth fairy brought her $5 in the shape of a heart for her first lost tooth

Gingerbread House night at school-Lucy and Sofie

Margot was really excited to decorate her own house this year

Margot's final product

Andrea and I modeling our birthday gifts

How many tomatoes can we fit in our mouth?

When Santa was busy feeding his reindeer we took a hot cocoa break

Santa . . I know him!

Christmas Eve jammies

Daddy loves his Buff shirt from the girls

Margot's puppy

Lucy's camera

Christmas breakfast

First stop-Chariton.  Amber and Chris Morris

Everyone's favorite puppy

Her own make up kit

Margot and her aunt

Rock stars with make up/painted hair

Next stop-Tiffin

Grandpa with Margot and Ayla

Next stop-Fulton

The Reid Girls LOVE cats

Kristy and Cathy

Reid Men

These are some videos from Lucy's Veteran's Day performance.  November 10 evening or November 11 at school
Happy 7th Birthday Lucy

Month by month update:
August-Lucy started 1st grade at East Elementary.  She loves her teacher Mrs. Maestas.  I love  having her at school still and I'm enjoying NOT being her teacher this year.  It's nice to not know every little thing about her day so we have more to discuss after school.  She started going to 2nd grade math and loves that too.  She was super duper excited for her musical this year which ended up being about Veteran's Day.  

I started my 3rd year at East in Kindergarten.  Margot is still at Nana's T, W, Thursday and goes to Holy Trinity preschool Mondays and Fridays.  She also loves her teacher, Ms. Rachel.  She loves everything but nap time.  

The highlight of this month was a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Ellsmore at the end of the month. The weather was exceptionally warm this year so we did lots of bike riding and outdoor time.

What a busy month!  Besides the usual of the pumpkin patch trip and Halloween; the Fulton Reids along with Cathy's parents Mike and Linda came out for a visit.  There was a zoo trip (moms and kids while the men watched football at the Sports Column).  Then there was a trip to the mountains and another to the Garden of the Gods.  

Lucy had wanted to be Sally for two years so this was finally the time to figure out how to make it happen.  I chose not to embarrass her by attempting to make her costume so I ordered in on Etsy.  Margot had no idea what she wanted to be but some things she mentioned included alligator, bat and finally she landed on caterpillar.  We loved our usual time trick or treating with our friends Cheryl, Jason, Natalie, Matt and kids.  However, with Halloween on a Monday it kind of made it less fun since we had to recover all week.

My 38th, Lucy's 7th.  We celebrated with a mermaid pool party.  Lucy loved having her best friends from school swim with her and Margot enjoyed hanging out in the kiddie pool with Daddy.  She was lucky to get so many nice gifts from everyone.

Thanksgiving was wonderful this year! Brian took off almost the whole week.  We spent the big day at our friends' house, Andrea and Jeff who live in Evergreen.  Brian cooked the turkey and I did deviled eggs.  We played cards and talked and the kids loved playing around their wooded property.

Lucy and I were in school up through the 22nd.  So this year we decided to drive back (yeah for having a car that can make the trip!).  We had Christmas day here in Colorado.  Lucy woke up and was honestly surprised to find out "I'm not on the naughty list!".  The girls loved opening gifts of course.  Margot got a puppy that moves and a Leap Pad.  Lucy got a camera and a pottery wheel for kids.  Margot's favorite gift might have been the old school jacks in her stalking though.  

We left the 26th for Iowa.  First stop was Chariton for Christmas with my folks and the Hjortshojs.  The newest edition, Chris Morris, never left Lucy's arms the whole time we were there I think.  The girls love playing with Eden who is growing way too fast in my opinion.

Then we left for Iowa City on the 28th.  We got to see the Smiths and Betsy and Ayla when we were there.  Everyone else left the 29th and we didn't leave until the 30th so we got one night alone with Fred and Judy and even got to have dinner at Pagliai's pizza.  Lucy lost her 2nd tooth when we were there but the tooth fairy knew how to find her.

We left the 30th for Fulton and spent New Years Eve with the Reids.  We had a lovely Christmas and our meal was steak and lobster-hard to beat that.  The girls love to play with the cats most of all.  Margot said when we were leaving "Is this our last Christmas?"  I think we're spoiled.

Then back to Chariton for the horrible Outback bowl and a couple more days of relaxing before making the drive back on the 4th.  The girls both loved the car ride.  Endless screen time was probably the reason why since we normally put the kobash on that.  We also had Cooper with us which went good.  Huge thanks to Mom and Dad for dogsitting during our trip.  We stopped for fast food (the girls' first McDonalds dine in experience) and I think they thought that was pretty special.  We were glad to get home to Colorado though even though we were greeted by a big snow storm.  

Much much love to our family and friends and can't wait to see what exciting things happen in 2017. 

2021 in Review (the WHOLE year)

Margot twinning with her friend, Gemma Grandpa Marvin's birthday in CO Lucy's first cheer competition ever Monopoly game night At Mo...