Sunday, October 24, 2010

Life in the Fast Lane

At the Pumpkin Patch, although I think that's pretty obvious

Spending time with Grandma and Grandpa Marvin

On the boat tour of the Riverwalk

At Aunt Betsy and Uncle Dante's wedding

The pool at the hotel

This fall has been fantastic and crazy busy! At the end of September we flew to San Antonio for Brian's sister Betsy's wedding. It was an extremely beautiful and romantic wedding and we had such a great time seeing family. On Friday we took a boat tour of the newly developed part of the Riverwalk which Lucy throughly enjoyed, mostly because she was entertained by cousin Austin. Then we had fun playing in the pool on Saturday. The wedding was Saturday night and unfortunately Lucy and mommy had to miss most of the reception because Lucy had to go to bed but we did get to see the gorgeous mansion where the reception was held. The next day Grandma Ellsmore watched Lucy so we could go see the Riverwalk and of course, the Alamo.

Then, the first part of October we enjoyed a nice long visit from Grandma and Grandpa Marvin. The picture was from our leaf drive. Lucy got to stay home with Grandma and we are forever grateful for Grandpa Marvin's manual labor around the house-painting the living room, sanding the deck and mowing the lawn.

This past weekend we took Lucy to the pumpkin patch. She had a great time smacking the pumpkins and watching all the kids. We left with two awesome pumpkins that Lucy helped pick out.

Lucy is doing so many fun things. She can say "mama" and "dada" and "uh oh." She is crawling like a champ and can pull herself up. I don't think she'll be walking any time soon but she sure loves to get around. Her favorite toy right now is the little table she can stand up on and play music and move the parts around. She also LOVES her books right now. In the mornings when we're getting ready we leave her in her room and usually come back to find her "reading" her books to herself. Now, if only we could get her to take her milk from a sippy cup . . . .I have no idea where she gets the stubbornness from.

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