Friday, November 4, 2011

Almost 2!

Bee Happy!

Trick or Treating at Brent and Kerri's

The Gang
Lucy and her bud Dubbie
pumpkin carving

pumpkin patch

Wildlife sanctuary
Cider Fest
Barrel Train
Lucy's favorite hobby

Swimming Lessons
October was one busy month! Fall is my favorite time of year and this year we made sure Lucy got the best fall has to offer! We went to a Cider Fest where the highlight for Lucy was riding with Dada in a barrel train pulled by a lawnmower.

We visited the Wildlife Sanctuary where we saw all kinds of wild animals including lions, tigers and bears (oh my!). Then Halloween was full of partying. We went back to the pumpkin patch, went as a bee family to our friends’ Darcie and Peter’s party, and Lucy partied at Sherry’s. She practice trick-or-treating and then had the real experience Halloween night. She had her first piece of candy (Twix!) and immediately showed signs of a sugar high.

Only 2 more weeks until she’s 2. Time flies.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Almost fall

Hiking at Brainard Lake

Trip to the Zoo

Eden in front of the flamingos

Lucy's first carousel ride

August was a fantastic month with a visit from the Hjortshojs and lots of family time. Lucy had a great time with her cousin Eden, unfortunately the weekend was far too short!

I'm back to work (since August 9th) so Lucy is back to day care full time. She is continuing to be a ball of fun! She is very verbal and learns new words daily. She loves to announce who everyone is and talk about how people are feeling (that baby's sad-when she hears a baby crying), etc. She's so verbal, in fact, that she's having some meltdowns at daycare when the other kids can't keep up with her in that way. Sherry said most kids break down and cry when they can't communicate what they want but Lucy cries when the other kids don't say "please" or "sorry" when she thinks they should!

The other day in the car she asked me to sing a song and requested the ABC song. Afterwards she told me "good singing, mama". What a sweetie. We love her so very much. When my friend Andrea gave birth to her baby boy Charlie 2 months early this Monday it made me realize how fortunate we are to have such a healthy, happy little girl. We will never take her for granted. Lucy can't wait for little Charlie to get bigger so they can play together!

October and November are busy months in the Reid household so hopefully they'll be more exciting pictures to come! Happy fall!

Friday, July 29, 2011


Our attempt at a Reid/Smith family photo


Feeding adorable baby goats at the petting zoo

Papa Reid introducing Lucy to the finer things in life


Lucy having a blast with her bestie Elliott

Eden ready for her trip to see Cinderella

Lucy admiring her cousin Eden
Chariton visit

4th of July

I haven't posted a messy face picture in awhile

Gymnastics Class

This past month has been full of trips! Lucy and I flew to Iowa June 9th and spent a week with my family. We had fun "swimming" in the pool Grandma bought, hanging out with Alissa and the adorable Elliott, and having tons of fun with Aunt Amber and Cousin Eden. The two girls played with balloons, read books and played lots and lots and lots of dress up.

Then we spent a long weekend in Kansas City visiting the Smiths and Reids. Lucy loved the Smith's new kitty, Oscar, and spent a lot of time going up and down their steps. We went to an awesome petting zoo, Deana Rose (I hope I'm getting that right),and Union Station. I wish I had more pics to share from this trip but I'm working on getting them all located together. Lucy had fun being the only girl and LOVES her cousins and uncles. Of course Aunt Kristy, Uncle Mark, Cathy and Papa Reid were big hits too! She got lots of practice with lots of names. Thanks to the Smiths for hosting all 11 of us!

One more week of summer bliss!

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Wild Life of Lucy Reid

Happy Father's Day!

After sprinkler time at the park

Lucy and Grandma

Lucy investigating a gorilla

The Ellsmores/Reids at the zoo

Just outside "Paris"


Grandpa catching Lucy from the slide

bath fun

Lucy "gardening"

Since I last blogged we have been so super busy! School ended on May 23rd for me and we didn't hesitate to get right down to the business of summer. Grandma and Grandpa Marvin came out for a nice long visit the week before Memorial Day. Grandpa painted practically our entire basement (thank you Dad!) and it looks great. Grandma enjoyed reading the same books over and over again to Lucy.

Then on June 8th Grandma and Grandpa Ellsmore came out for a visit and stayed with Lucy while we went to Las Vegas. It was a work related thing for me but Brian tagged along for a couple of days and we had a great time. Brian hadn't been to Vegas since he was 21 and there were a few things that have changed since then. Lucy did great with Grandma and Grandpa. It didn't take them long to figure out everything she was saying and I know she adored getting spoiled without Mom and Dad around. Thank you, thank you, thank you Ellsmores for making a mini-vacation possible for us!

Lucy loves going to the zoo and you can see from the video she really likes the elephants (and hippos, and giraffes, and lions, and monkeys, etc.) Her favorite word right now is "where?" which you can probably hear in the other video. She even asks where things are when she obviously knows where they are. It's cute but it was even cuter when she would answer "I don't know" for everything. We had her 18 month doctor's appointment and Lucy weighs close to 22 pounds and I think she's close to 23 inches. She finally decided she likes another fruit besides bananas and now she can't get enough strawberries!

She started her first gymnastics class and loves running around and playing on all the fun things. She doesn't, however, enjoy the parachute games. She screams her head off and runs away whenever we try and put her on the parachute for the fun games.

We are super excited for our visit to Kansas City in July and I'm sure we'll have many more fun things to post after that. Happy summer!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

Lucy was more interested in listening to the crackers inside the egg rattle than actually "hunting" for the eggs

Cooper didn't quite understand why the eggs weren't for him
Grandma and Grandpa Marvin came for a visit at the beginning of March
Happy Valentine's Day-Lucy celebrated with a party at Sherry's

Lucy is 17 months, 1 week and 4 days as of this posting! We have an almost 1 1/2 year old! She is talking like crazy! We counted up over 60 words she says. She's just starting to put two and three words together, some of her favorite expressions are "up please", "no Cooper", "bye-bye Dada", "No Way", "Mama feet" (she loves to point to other people's eyes, noses, ears, tummies, mouths, etc.), and her all time favorite "No Bubbles!"
At day care the kids play outside most afternoons and Lucy loves to carry around the bubbles. She doesn't actually blow them, she prefers to try and eat the bubble mix directly off the wand. She must have been told to stop eating bubbles so often she says it all the time-"no bubbles".
Sherry said the truest thing about Lucy the other day. She is always carrying around bottles, cups, and whatever other vessel she can get her hands on. When I went to get Lucy from day care she was of course carrying around some sort of cup. Sherry said "Lucy just loves to carry around things to carry around things!"
Easter was fun, we had our own Easter egg hunt in the backyard. The weather was gray and chilly but we still enjoyed it!

2021 in Review (the WHOLE year)

Margot twinning with her friend, Gemma Grandpa Marvin's birthday in CO Lucy's first cheer competition ever Monopoly game night At Mo...