Sunday, September 18, 2011

Almost fall

Hiking at Brainard Lake

Trip to the Zoo

Eden in front of the flamingos

Lucy's first carousel ride

August was a fantastic month with a visit from the Hjortshojs and lots of family time. Lucy had a great time with her cousin Eden, unfortunately the weekend was far too short!

I'm back to work (since August 9th) so Lucy is back to day care full time. She is continuing to be a ball of fun! She is very verbal and learns new words daily. She loves to announce who everyone is and talk about how people are feeling (that baby's sad-when she hears a baby crying), etc. She's so verbal, in fact, that she's having some meltdowns at daycare when the other kids can't keep up with her in that way. Sherry said most kids break down and cry when they can't communicate what they want but Lucy cries when the other kids don't say "please" or "sorry" when she thinks they should!

The other day in the car she asked me to sing a song and requested the ABC song. Afterwards she told me "good singing, mama". What a sweetie. We love her so very much. When my friend Andrea gave birth to her baby boy Charlie 2 months early this Monday it made me realize how fortunate we are to have such a healthy, happy little girl. We will never take her for granted. Lucy can't wait for little Charlie to get bigger so they can play together!

October and November are busy months in the Reid household so hopefully they'll be more exciting pictures to come! Happy fall!

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