Saturday, June 2, 2012

Spring 2012

 Lucy and Mama at the zoo

 Lucy and her buddy Dubbie at Chucky Cheese

 AJ, Lucy, Andy and Cooper at Easter

 Papa Reid found an egg!  Words cannot express how much I love this picture.

 Look at that grandparentin'

 Dying eggs

 This one's out of order, another Chuckie Cheese pic

 More Easter fun

 I can't resist a cute bath pic, with Andy


 Cheese . . 

 Some pics from our trip to Napa in May

 On the wine train
 Fun at the water park

Here are some pictures (out of order) of the last few months. Some highlights:

  • In March Grandma and Grandpa Marvin came for a visit
  • Lucy's friend had a birthday party at Chuckie Cheese
  • In April the Reids came for a visit for Easter.  We had an hunt in the backyard, dyed eggs (rather unsuccessfully, at least the pink) and of course had pizza at Beau Jos.
  • Lucy and family have been to the zoo 3 times this spring, lots of above pictures are from one of these trips.
  • In May Brian and I went to Napa, California for a 4 day visit.  A million thank yous to Grandma and Grandpa Ellsmore for watching Lucy so that we could take the trip.  We visited 11 wineries, one wine train and had a GREAT time!!!
  • On Memorial Day Lucy had her first night in her big girl bed.  So far she's taken to it like a fish to water (knock on wood).  Potty training . . . not so much.  

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