Saturday, November 2, 2013

Fantastic Fall (and end of summer)

Our Little Pumpkin
Lucy gets ready to go trick or treating
First Halloween
You may recognize this same jack-o-lantern from last year, Lucy wanted yet another cat pumpkin
"Ewwww, gushy!"
At the corn maze at the zoo, Dorothy with the scarecrow(s)
Little Dorothy
Cutest Dorothy and Lion ever
Boo at the Zoo
Chatfield State Park
Lucy chose the unicorn (of course!)
Finding the perfect pumpkin
We found it!
So happy!
Our big girl
Pinata shopping
My Gym
Lucy and Grandpa Ellsmore at the petting zoo at White Fence Farms
Tummy time
What a big girl!
Hawkeye Family Photo
On the slide at the park
Nighttime bath
Horseback riding at Rosie's Ranch
Lucy with Mama's friend, Mary, owner of Rosie's Ranch
Lucy at the dentist, quite the pose!
Margot, Daddy and Aunt Kristy at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
Margot and Aunt Kristy 
Happy 4th of July
Lucy's first movie in the theater-Monsters U
So exciting!
Margot's first Rockies Game

Since so much has happened since June 20th, my last post, I don't think I can even begin to write it down.  But, the pictures are pretty self explanatory.  Margot updates-she finally (finally!) is eating baby food.  She started actually ingesting it at about 7 months, 1 week.  She has two teeth and loves prunes, puffs (finger food) but doesn't like carrots.  She is so happy and we are so in love with her!

Lucy is going strong at preschool and loves going to Nana's (daycare) once a week with Margot.  She had a very exciting Halloween with a trip to the zoo and trick or treating in the neighborhood.  She is very, very excited for her 4th birthday.  As usually, she is smart and funny and keeps us on our toes.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to catch up with your family and life via your blog tonight. How Margot is changing and growing. She couldn't be cuter. The Halloween photos are priceless, and that one of Lucy at the dentist really should be entered in a contest. And what a great little car-singer you have! Where did she ever learn "Mambo Italiano"? Do you watch a lot of old Dean Martin movies at your house? (You really must get out more. :)


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