Saturday, May 23, 2015

April and May

Deep concentration

Easter Bunny got it right with the Lego kit for sure

Reading her new Easter book

Gathering Eggs

Lucy's End of Year Program

Lucy was the sun in The Very Hungry Caterpillar 

We LOVED Ms. Cathy

Lucy and Dubbie (we stopped short of making them hold hands and walk down the aisle of the church)

Littleton Leprechaun


Selfie while we waited for the show to start

Mother's Day bowling

Bowling with Bumpers is way better

Margot loves the potty
Here's the rest of the best for April and May.  Easter was pretty low-key this year without any company.  Lucy spent the day playing with her new friend next door and putting together her Lego kit.  Margot loved the egg dying (I do it myself!!) and hunting for eggs.

Mother's Day was a teat.  We tried to go to the Museum of Nature and Science but since it snowed (May 10!) there was a power outage.  We ended up bowling instead but it was great fun.

Hard to believe the school year is over for Lucy and me.  Lucy had a great year for her last year of preschool.  She especially loved the JumpBunch, field trips, recess and drawing.  Her end of the year performance was outstanding!

We are so excited for summer and all that it will bring.  It has rained more than Brian and I have ever seen in rain here so looking forward to a little Colorado sun soon.

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