Thursday, December 31, 2009

Baby Lucy and Cousin Eden

The Family at a visit to Kevin Grave's house

Yes, that's a cow on her outfit (she is part Iowan after all)

Happy New Year! This new year's eve the Reid family is chillin' at home and quite frankly, we're very excited about that. We just had a great visit from Crystal's whole family. They arrived Christmas day and stayed through December 30th. Lucy got to meet her Aunt Amber and Uncle Matt for the first time. She also got to meet Cousin Eden (2 years, 3 months) and receive lots of loving kisses from her. "Baby Lucy" had a great Christmas with lots of new toys and clothes, but the biggest gift was having the whole Marvin/Reid/Hjortshoj family together.

Lucy has a cold she got from her daddy. At this point, the debate is still on as to who's actually the bigger baby when it comes to being sick. She's stuffy which makes sleeping difficult. We'll be without visitors for a couple of weeks so the excitement will die down around here. We wish everyone a happy, healthy new year!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

On Christmas day Lucy will be 6 weeks old. We most definately got the best Christmas gift ever! Things are starting to go pretty smoothly as far as night time routines and nursing. She has recently begun to like her swing which is great because up until now she hated it! She likes looking at the mobile of bears that hangs down from the top of it and listening to the music. She definately likes music, even when mommy sings. We'll have to get her hearing checked later on.

Lucy has officially met all her grandparents with a visit last weekend from the Reids. We had a great time! Lucy loved her uncles Aidan and Andy, even if she couldn't play with them much yet. She had her first trip to Beau Jo's Pizza but stayed home for the trip to Casa Bonita. For Christmas she got a pair of awesome bibs, thanks Reids!
Lucy and Papa Reid

Here's Lucy in her various Christmas inspired outfits and with her stocking. She sure would make a cute little elf, wouldn't she? Thanks to everyone for your well wishes and have a very merry Christmas and the happiest of New Years!

Monday, December 14, 2009

1 Month!

1 month old

Grandma and Grandpa Ellsmore

Lucy and Mom

Her vibrating seat

Lucy and her friend Zacary (5 months)

Lucy had her one month birthday yesterday. She has changed and grown so much in a month. Lucy had her first "Christmas" with Grandma and Grandpa Ellsmore who visited from Iowa last week. Of course she was her usual charming self-most of the time! It was nice to have them here, even for a short visit. We are thankful to all our family who is making the trek out to Colorado to see us. Although, let's face it, Brian and I are not who they are here to see!

We had a nice milestone Saturday night. It was the first night Lucy slept in her crib! She woke up more often than she had been waking up in her car seat but we're happy she's getting used to her bedroom. Hopefully now she'll start going through longer stretches without waking up but one hurdle at a time.

Friday I took Lucy to mommy get together at my friend Lauren's house. There were at least 20 babies there and Lucy was the youngest but all babies were under 6 months old. It was a big wake up call about how fast babies grow. We're enjoying her in this teeny tiny stage very much.

Love, Crystal, Brian, Lucy and Cooper

Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Daddy's little girl already

Grandma and Grandpa Marvin

Lucy's not to sure what to think of bathtime yet

We can't believe it has been two weeks since Lucy came into the world. These two weeks have gone by so fast! The first few days at home were mostly spent watching Lucy in her light box. Luckily, her jaundice improved enough that we only had to keep her in the light therapy for 3 days. She hated not being held and we hated not being able to hold her but we've made up for lost time!

Lucy had lots of visitors the first week including friends from Crystal's school. Then, Saturday morning Grandma and Grandpa Marvin arrived from Iowa for a week of snuggling. We picked them up at the train station and Lucy hasn't been put down much since! We all enjoyed the Thanksgiving dinner than Brian cooked, although Lucy slept through most of it. She has been a fickle sleeper, she prefers to be held, rocked or bounced over laying down in her cradle. We're hoping that changes soon so mom can get some sleep during the night.

She got her first bath on Wednesday. Who can resist that baby smell? Today we took her to her two week appointment She weighed 7 pounds 1 ounce so she isn't quite up to her birth weight just yet. We were told the was most likely because she was jaundice and thus not a very good eater for the first few days. She's doing much better now, in fact she's quite a little pig at times.

It was easy to decide what we are thankful for this Thanksgiving. A beautiful, healthy baby daughter and our loving and supportive family.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Welcome Lucy!

She's here! And a girl! Lucy Alaina Reid arrived at 8:36 pm on Friday, November 13th, her due date. I went to work that morning as usual and taught for about an hour before I started having contractions. I was not a very effective teacher that morning so I left at 9:30 and drove home. Brian came home soon after and we left for the hospital pretty much right away because my contractions were very close together. The ride to the hosptial was one of the longest half hours of my life!

For a first baby she came pretty quickly and I pushed for an hour and a half before we got to meet her for the first time! She was smaller than we thought she'd be and had more hair than we thought she'd have. It is hard to tell from the pictures but the color is a reddish blond. She weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces and was 20 inches long.

So far in her first 24 hours of life things have been pretty hectic. Lucy and I have different blood types so she was at risk for jaundice. After a couple of tests it was determined that her bilirubin levels were too high so she has begun light therapy, hence the glow worm picture! She doesn't seem to like the blue light much but she's being a trooper!

We are overwhelmed with love for our baby girl and I've never seen a prouder papa. We are so lucky to be her parents! Thank you for all the love and support. Love-Brian, Crystal and Lucy

Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween

One gigantic belly

38 weeks! We survived the first big snowstorm of the year with no early arrival of Baby Reid. Two feet of snow, big changes in temperature-I would want to stay where it is nice and warm too! The past month has been wonderful. My baby shower on October 17 was so much fun! Thanks to everyone who had a hand in it-hosting, attending, sending gifts. As I've said before, Baby Reid is already so loved!

And the snow wasn't finished at this point!

Health-wise everything continues to be normal. The baby is head down and according to my last visit to the doctor, the baby is engaged (I didn't even know it was dating-ha!) so it could be any time now. Congratulations to our friends Alissa and Tai on the arrival of their adorable baby girl Elliott who came two weeks early. I wouldn't mind if ours came a little early since I'm starting to really get uncomfortable, but two weeks would mean this weekend so I don't mind if he/she holds out a bit longer.

Everything is ready to go-the nursery is finished, the bags are packed, the car seat installed. Here are some pictures of the baby furniture before and after. Brian was pretty proud of his handiwork-rightfully so. We are so anxious to meet our baby and to introduce him/her to all of you! Just waiting for baby!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

At Megan and Jeremy's wedding-Sept. 19, 32 weeks

We just passed the 32 week mark on Friday which was a nice little milestone. Friday we had an ultrasound to check to see how well the baby is growing. Everything looks great! According to the doctor (although he repeated to us several times that there is a large margin of error) the baby weighs 4.2 pounds. That put him/her a tiny bit ahead of schedule but not much so our due date remains November 13. The ultrasound also showed that Baby Reid is moving around well, although I could have told him that without the ultrasound.

Hiking in Evergreen, 29 weeks

It has been a busy month for us! We have been taking lots of classes-prepared childbirth, infant care and Brian took Daddy Boot Camp last week. He actually enjoyed it and learned some new things which he was pretty excited about. We've also had lots of visitors (Scott and Lindsey, the Reids) which was lots of fun. Only two months to go, we can't wait!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Welcome to our Blog

Hi everyone! Brian and I decided to create this blog so we could easily share pictures and thoughts with our friends and family. We're new to this whole blogging thing (other than I really enjoy reading friends' blogs) but hopefully we can figure it out. Here is a picture and video of Baby Reid who is expected to arrive sometime around November 13th. We are so excited about our first baby! We aren't finding out the sex which has been fun and frustrating at the same time!

Here's a belly picture from 26 1/2 weeks and an ultrasound photo from 22 weeks. So far the pregnancy has been great. No sickness at all, although I'm starting to have heartburn and insomnia of course now that I'm in my 3rd trimester. People talk about babies kicking a lot as future soccer players-we think we might have a future gymnast with all the summersaulting going on. Thanks for reading our blog and we'll try to keep adding more as we get closer to the big day.

Lil' Peanut has the hiccups

2021 in Review (the WHOLE year)

Margot twinning with her friend, Gemma Grandpa Marvin's birthday in CO Lucy's first cheer competition ever Monopoly game night At Mo...