Monday, December 14, 2009

1 Month!

1 month old

Grandma and Grandpa Ellsmore

Lucy and Mom

Her vibrating seat

Lucy and her friend Zacary (5 months)

Lucy had her one month birthday yesterday. She has changed and grown so much in a month. Lucy had her first "Christmas" with Grandma and Grandpa Ellsmore who visited from Iowa last week. Of course she was her usual charming self-most of the time! It was nice to have them here, even for a short visit. We are thankful to all our family who is making the trek out to Colorado to see us. Although, let's face it, Brian and I are not who they are here to see!

We had a nice milestone Saturday night. It was the first night Lucy slept in her crib! She woke up more often than she had been waking up in her car seat but we're happy she's getting used to her bedroom. Hopefully now she'll start going through longer stretches without waking up but one hurdle at a time.

Friday I took Lucy to mommy get together at my friend Lauren's house. There were at least 20 babies there and Lucy was the youngest but all babies were under 6 months old. It was a big wake up call about how fast babies grow. We're enjoying her in this teeny tiny stage very much.

Love, Crystal, Brian, Lucy and Cooper

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