Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Daddy's little girl already

Grandma and Grandpa Marvin

Lucy's not to sure what to think of bathtime yet

We can't believe it has been two weeks since Lucy came into the world. These two weeks have gone by so fast! The first few days at home were mostly spent watching Lucy in her light box. Luckily, her jaundice improved enough that we only had to keep her in the light therapy for 3 days. She hated not being held and we hated not being able to hold her but we've made up for lost time!

Lucy had lots of visitors the first week including friends from Crystal's school. Then, Saturday morning Grandma and Grandpa Marvin arrived from Iowa for a week of snuggling. We picked them up at the train station and Lucy hasn't been put down much since! We all enjoyed the Thanksgiving dinner than Brian cooked, although Lucy slept through most of it. She has been a fickle sleeper, she prefers to be held, rocked or bounced over laying down in her cradle. We're hoping that changes soon so mom can get some sleep during the night.

She got her first bath on Wednesday. Who can resist that baby smell? Today we took her to her two week appointment She weighed 7 pounds 1 ounce so she isn't quite up to her birth weight just yet. We were told the was most likely because she was jaundice and thus not a very good eater for the first few days. She's doing much better now, in fact she's quite a little pig at times.

It was easy to decide what we are thankful for this Thanksgiving. A beautiful, healthy baby daughter and our loving and supportive family.

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