Saturday, February 20, 2010

3 Months!

Auntie Amber and her valentine

Lucy and her best buddy

Dear Friends and Family, thank you for reading our blog! We are so thankful for our baby girl and so proud of all the new things she’s learned to do. Last weekend Amber came to Colorado for a visit and we had a great time. Lucy saved her first laugh for Aunt Amber. Unfortunately I didn’t get to see it because I was at school but Brian said Lucy laughed for about 5 minutes watching Cooper run around and jump over things. I’ve caught a glimpse of her laugh since and it’s super cute. I’ve been busy doing everything I can think of to get her to laugh and sometimes it works and sometimes I get a look like “mom, please.”

Another exciting thing happened this past Wednesday. I was at an evening meeting at school and when I got home Brian said Lucy rolled over for the first time. He said she did it once and he thought it might be a fluke but then she did it two more times for him. She hates being on her stomach so much she didn’t take long to figure out how to get off it. It seems like a bit of a conspiracy that she does all her “firsts” when I’m not around but that’s okay. Of course when I got home we put her on her belly again and she didn’t roll over. This morning I got out the camera and got to see her roll over for the first time for mommy and caught it on video! That’s almost as good as the real first time, right?

Her personality is developing much more quickly. Lucy loves:
· Being held to face out
· Her Bumbo seat
· Cooing at her mobile
· Being in her bathtub
· Riding in her stroller

She hates:
Getting out of the bathtub
Her daily application of lotion
Having her neck cleaned (she has quite a chubby neck)

We still can’t believe what a happy baby is, it was hard to think of things she doesn’t like. She smiles all the time and it’s hard not to smile right along with her. We wish you all the same amount of joy she brings us!

Rollin' rollin' rollin'

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