Saturday, November 21, 2015

Fall Fun

Andrew and Lucy at TinyTown

TinyTown Library

We rarely go a full night without one of them snuggling 
12th Anniversary

Book of Mormon for our big anniversary date
She's a Kindergartner!

Posing in front of the red door Grandpa painted
Meeting Elsa and Anna at the school carnival

At the Great American Beer Festival

I just read online that they have recently sandblasted the gum wall.  Glad we got to see it.  Actually it was really gross.


Lindsey, Scott, Brian and Me


Original Starbucks

Aunt Amber's quick visit

In front of the Nightmare Before Christmas Pumpkin statue

Love downtown Littleton this time of year!
Lucy strutting after scoring her 3rd goal in one game!
Cooper and Toy Cooper
Pumpkin Patch of course

Lucy loves carving pumpkins-Margot says "meh"
At School
Lucy and her classmates in the school parade
Same day we had the Dragon Dash-Lucy crossing the finish line

3rd place girl!!!

Nana's Halloween party

Our Little Dutch Girls
Lucy loved the find the candy in the powered sugar game at the Flemings' Halloween party
This one's a keeper
Lucy at school with her name cupcake
Scored some great presents-loves her new keyboard
Getting make-up done at her makeover birthday party

Lucy and Brooklyn (a bestie) all gussied up

The Party Gang-
Bottom row-Destinee, Gracie
Middle row-Brooklyn, Sofie, Amelia
(barely pictured-Margot)

The Cake

Happy 6th Birthday

Photo Slideshow

Click on the Photo Slideshow link to see the slideshow our photographer put together with pictures from our photo shoot in October.

Crystal Update-Started my second year at East Elementary.  I'm still teaching ELD (English Language Development) and co-teaching exclusively in Kindergarten which means lots of time with Lucy!  Most of my free time is gobbled up with the girls' stuff (okay, Lucy's stuff, Margot doesn't do much as far as organized stuff yet).  We traveled to Seattle at the beginning of October to visit my BFF from high school, Scott, and his wife Lindsey.  They are expecting their first baby in December so we wanted to go visit before that happened.  I loved Seattle so much!  It's my kind of city for sure.  We went to the Pike's Place Market, out to eat at some great places, traveled up the space  needle and enjoyed our time at their adorable house.  It was gorgeous and sunny the whole time. A super big thank you to Judy and Fred for watching the girls! My 37th birthday was great.  We celebrated with brunch at Snooze and then homemade pizza on the day before.

Brian Update-He joined a bowling league this fall and gets to bowl every Monday night which he's loving.  He is super pumped about the Hawkeyes being 11-0 of course.  Not much else to report on his end.  Just living the dream as he says!

Lucy Update-Lucy started Kindergarten in Ms. Vander Velde's class.  She loves recess, lunch, PE, music and art.  And she says she loves the times when mommy comes to teach in her room.  Despite only claiming to enjoy the fun stuff she is doing great with reading and math and gets to do an extra enrichment reading group at the end of the day.  Despite losing 2 pairs of scissors, her lunch stick and more glue sticks than you can ever imagine she usually completes her work (usually).
She did awesome on her soccer team-the Rainbows.  They started the season loosing every game but were winners by the end and Lucy started scoring goals about midseason and never stopped to look back.
She just moved up to Intermediate in gymnastics which she loves, loves, loves.  She still loves swimming lessons on Friday nights, too.  She got a clean bill of health on her 6 year check up and is in the 11th percentile for height and 30th for weight (41 pounds).  Doctor warned her that Margot will probably overtake her in height one of these days.

Margot Update-Sweet Margot is doing fantastic as a 2 1/2 year old.  She loves going to Nana's, coloring, dancing, loving on her baby dolls and playing in the snow.  She had a fever that lasted a few days early in November but other than that she's been really healthy.  She went along to Lucy's doctor appointment so we found out she weighs 27 pounds and is in the 78% for height and 25% for weight. She doesn't mind tagging along to Lucy's stuff and has been a huge trooper.Both girls live for Saturday night movie nights.

Cooper Update-He's old.  He had a growth removed earlier this fall and we found out it was cancerous but the vet felt good that they got it all when it was removed.  I'm hoping he doesn't know he's going to be boarded for 10 days at Christmas.  Poor guy.

Be on the lookout for the Reid Family Christmas card featuring pictures from our photo shoot!

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