Friday, January 29, 2016

Reid Shenanigans

Thanksgiving Feast at School-Lucy's class' contribution was the authentic First Thanksgiving Oreo Cookie Turkey

I'm not so sure about this Santa guy

The ornaments are as much toys as decorations
Cousins love each other!


Snowman-not pictured Margot

Gingerbread House making

Finished product

At Hudson Gardens

Margot loved Santa but didn't want to have anything to do with him


Snow Day!

I love my Daddy!

Too much excitment

They were amazed by Santa Doppler

Christmas Eve

Cookies/Treats for Santa and his reindeer

The Adorable Hjortshoj family

You can't see me

Homemade playdoh fun at the Reids' 

Lucy and Elliott

Four Fun Friends

Happy New Year!
Rose Bowl party at Andrea and Jeff's
Go Broncos!
Hotel Swimming
Lucy was her class's January BUG award winner (Bringing Up Grades) which just really means she made a lot of progress in January


Mommy Daughter Cowgirls

Calf Ropin'

Lucy and her besties-Sofie and Destinee
These are the songs she performed with her class for the Kindergarten Rodeo

January is quickly coming to an end and thus wraps up another wonderful holiday season.  We had such a nice Christmas with two little girls at the perfect ages to enjoy all of the magic of the season. Our whirlwind trip to Iowa began with a visit to Grandma and Grandpa Marvin's house.  Our girls really associate Iowa with a level of utopia not matched by much else save Disneyland or Hawaii.  In Chariton we baked, played with cousin Eden a lot, visited the Hjortshoj's house in Monroe, ran into the Smiths unexpectedly in Pella, played Christmas bingo and woke up Christmas morning to find out Santa had come!  Whew, what a fun few days.

Christmas morning turned sad with the news that Grandma Foster (Brian's maternal grandmother) passed unexpectedly that morning.  Heaven probably needs angels the most on Christmas Day.  We stayed an extra day in Chariton before heading to Iowa City on Sunday to see the Ellsmore family for one quick day/night but a great visit never-the-less.  Lucy adores their piano and even got to play with Aunt Liz which she just loved.

Then off to Fulton for a very Reid Christmas.  We had an amazing dinner of crab legs and mussels, a fun girls' afternoon out to the bookstore and Bek's and even a last minute lunch at the Mexican restaurant.  The girls are enthralled with the cats milling about the Reid house.  I think they (or at least Lucy) feels the wrath of being the old girl out but had lots of feline friends to keep her company.

Then off to one night only at the Ward house where the girls got to see their friends Elliott and Delaney.  It was a fast, fun night.  I'm so glad we stayed healthy this year and even though it was brief we packed in a ton of fun.

While Daddy was away watching the Rose Bowl we had some friends over for New Years Eve complete with "champagne" and staying up until midnight *cough* 10 pm.  On MLK weekend we thought it would be nice to have a quick get-a-way so we stayed one night in a hotel in Denver and the girls swam their little hearts out and we had a picnic dinner on the hotel bed.  It was a surprise and I don't think they'll forget it anytime soon.

Just this week was a big week in Kindergarten.  Lucy had her Kindergarten Rodeo.  I included all the songs from her performance and some snapshots of the festivities.  She had a blast and was one cute cowgirl!  The pictures I take seem to be pretty heavy on the Lucy and light on the Margot.  Maybe this is a function of her being the oldest?  Or most likely because I get to spend so much time with her every day at school.  What a blessing it has been.

Margot had a bout of croup recently which was rough and resulted in a day home with Mama but we got lots of snuggling time.  She's a real trooper and drumroll please . . . . she's potty trained.  It happened practically overnight.  She still wears Pull-Ups for naps and night time but went from diapers to Pull-Ups to underwear in a matter of two weeks.  She's a determined little girl when she puts her mind to it.  We are so proud of her, but one cute thing she says when I ask her if she needs to go to the potty, "Ok, but don't be proud of me."  I think she got tired real quick of my theatrics when it comes to a poop in the potty.

Hearing we are due for a blizzard this weekend so maybe a bonus day home next week is in order.  Love, The Reids

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