Saturday, May 28, 2016

School's Out for Summer, Schools (not) Out Forever!

I forgot to post her school picture from October
British Lucy
Go Broncos! Superbowl champs!

Daddy Daughter date to see The Wizard of Oz play

Making Pottery at the Children's Museum

On the bus heading to the field trip

Field trip to watch a play at Heritage High School, Lucy couldn't understand why everyone else didn't dress up!
Happy Birthday Margot!

We just can't seem to stay away from Chuck E. Cheese

Go and her BFF Raygan

Ahhh, we love Chuck E.


With Nana (Diana)

Margot hated the Ticket Blaster-Lucy got to do it for her

Opening gifts on the real day

Celebrating at daycare
I love my jammies from Grandma Ellsmore

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Face painting at Eden's house

Dying Easter Eggs

Trip to Honey Creek

Brrrr, cold Easter egg hunting!

We found so many!

Flight home-photo credits by Lucy Reid

Margot and Mommy's day off in April

Go Rainbows!

Soccer Star

Loving on Cooper

Thick April snow-not good for sledding!

Margot's first movie theater movie-The Good Dinosaur

Building her own pizza at Pasquinis

Margot showing off her muscles.  She won't do this anymore, so glad I got it on video!
Just because I thought they looked cute that day

That pose
Making French toast for Mommy on Mother's Day
Mother's Day hike

That adorable behind

Field Day!

Sofie and Lucy

Destinee, her other BFF

Cooper's 13th B-day, making dog biscuits.  Not pictured, the birthday boy.

Kindergarten Graduation program

She got a diploma!

Lucy and Ms. VanderVelde

1st Grade here I come!

Margot's favorite part-the cookie

Last day of Kindergarten

Last day fun-reading in a tent
School photo
This is a gem I discovered on Brian's camera

February Highlights-
The Broncos won the Superbowl.  We scored tickets to see The Wizard of Oz (Thanks Melanie and Doug!) and Brian and Lucy had a late weekday date to the theater.  

March Highlights-
Margot turned 3! We celebrated with a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese for all her daycare friends. How we managed to have 8 previous birthdays between the two of them and not one ever took place with Mr. Cheese.  Everyone had a great time.  

I don't remember ever going to Iowa before for spring break but this year we decided to head home rather than have the Marvins here.  We had a great Easter and the Easter bunny even hid eggs in freezing cold weather!  The girls had a blast.  It was great to see family and spend a lot of time at Amber and Matt's house.  I'm such a lucky aunt to have Eden as a niece.  She's just awesome and has a future in face painting for sure if fashion design doesn't pan out.

April Highlights-
We went to Margot's first movie in a theater, The Good Dinosaur.  We all loved it.  Some of us cried. Lucy played soccer when it wasn't rained or snowed out.  The Rainbows had a loosing season but it was fun to have a second season with the same team.  It snowed big time and we tried to enjoy it as much as we could but April snows are not ideal playin' weather.

May Highlights-
I hope we don't have a month as busy as May was ever again.  School was one event after another-Field Day, graduation, last day of school.  Lucy graduated on the Tuesday of the last week of school. And yes, I had to explain to Brian that Kindergarten graduation is a thing.  I made over 300 cookies for the event.  I am so sad to see this year ending.  I was so nervous about being teacher mom but seeing her every day and watching her grow was amazing.  She cried the last day of school that she was leaving Kindergarten and even told her teacher she "wasn't ready for 1st grade!"

Summer is shaping up to be a great one.  I am taking lots of pictures of our day to day fun that I'll post in a couple of months.  

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