Sunday, September 25, 2016

Summer Shenanigans

Rockies with the Flemings!
Paint your own pottery studio

Picnic before the rain came
Bike Riding with Daddy

Ice Cream in a bag with my friend Carmen's niece and nephew

At the zoo with the Hjortshojs

Lucy LOVES face painting

Dough face at Pasquinis

Finding Dory with our friends Brooklyn and Carson

The best way to hike

Amber and Eden

We found this (dead) butterfly in perfect condition

backyard sprinklers
My friend Kendra's adorable baby, Elizabeth
French treats

Margot's first trip to the dentist

She hated it

Playdate with Destinee
Swimming lessons at the rec center pool

shopping for flowers for our front yard pots


How could you not love this pose?

Happy 4th of July!

Our week in Estes-the Ranch
Our cabin (look and find two cute faces)
Gem Lake hike

Bridal Veil Falls

Taking a break

The Pool

On the way to The Pool

So much ice cream, so little time

Alberta Falls

Fun City

Our last hike of the trip sans kids-to the Loch

Calypso Cascades
Highlights from the Frank Lloyd Wright tour in Oak Park, IL

Outside Frank's house

Awesome friends-Alissa and Carmen

Happy birthday, Brian!

The Makery

I got to be the Plus One to Beautiful with my friend LJ

Snuggling with Cooper

Pool time fun


Photo credit-Lucy Reid
Where did summer go?? I can't believe we've been back to school for a month already.  This summer was will go down on record as one of the best ever.  At the beginning of the summer I had Lucy sit down and write a bucket list of everything she wanted to do this summer and we checked off all except one thing!

We started our bucket list with a Rockie's Game complete with nachos and cotton candy and beer for the grown ups.  We also planted flowers, went on a picnic (although we did this lots this summer, the picture was just from the first) and painted our own pottery.  Lucy made an owl and Margot a tile.

I had lots of work trainings in June so Margot got to go to preschool and Lucy went to summer camp a few days.  They went on lots of bike rides.  Also, we made it a weekly tradition to try out different French bakeries.  We are quite the croissant connoisseurs now.  The highlight was a visit from Amber and Eden at the end of the month.  We went to the zoo, Finding Dory, and had lots of fun here at home.  Eden is such a love and the girls had so much fun playing together.

We had our annual 4th of July party and everyone enjoyed the fireworks immensely.  The best week of the summer was a week long trip to Estes Park.  I posted most of these pictures on Facebook so nothing really new.  It was WONDERFUL to spend so much time with Brian's family we don't get to see enough and to hike and hike and hike.  I think we overdid the hiking for the girls though because now when we go to hike Lucy is not loving it.

Grandma and Grandpa Marvin came for a week when we were home from Estes.  I left them for a few days to go to Chicago to visit my friends Carmen and Alissa.  I had a blast in Chicago going to a diner started by a winner from Top Chef (the only season Brian and I watched) and touring Frank Lloyd Wright's house (I've wanted to do that forever, ever since reading Loving Frank).  Then I spent a weekend in Wisconsin scrapbooking with Alissa at our favorite spot.

Brian's birthday was low key but nice.  We went to the Breckenridge Brewery tour and then had dinner at the farmhouse restaurant after.  A couple of days later we went to see Dolly Parton at Red Rocks, a Mother's Day gift from Brian.  She was amazing.  I had a few days down for the count with strep throat.  Who gets strep in the summer?  Luckily for me our daycare provider, Nana, was back to work after 9 weeks off right at that time so I was able to recover without the girls catching it.

We squeezed in lots of last minute fun before school started. Lots of trips to the pool, a girls shopping trip for school clothes with Lucy and just nice time around the house.  Bucket list complete!!

I'm back for my 3rd year as an ELD (English Language Development) teacher in Kindergarten at East Elementary.  Lucy started 1st grade and loves it, except for Sunday nights when we both have the end of weekend blues.  Margot is going to preschool at Holy Trinity Mondays and Fridays and Nanas on Tuesdays-Thursdays.  She loves preschool so far.  She's always so happy and easy going and adjusted so quickly.

Looking forward to lots of fall fun, my favorite season.  Love to all!

1 comment:

  1. Love your photos and the stories that go with them. You are an amazing family historian!


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